Premium translation services
Premium translation services
First and foremost Citron Caviar® represents the culmination of over 20 years of passion and expertise gained from broad experience as well as sharing and learning from peers, but also a genuine commitment to translators and interpreters on the one hand and clients on the other.
First and foremost Citron Caviar® represents the culmination of over 20 years of passion and expertise gained from broad experience as well as sharing and learning from peers, but also a genuine commitment to translators and interpreters on the one hand and clients on the other.

People who know me know that I like to do things not just well, but differently, and these days, when it’s all about digital and AI is on everyone’s lips, I’m convinced that translation, real translation, honed to support a specific project, to defend a case and to facilitate communication still has a very bright future ahead of it!
As a qualified translator with 15 years’ experience in an agency behind me, my mission now is to help professionals find THE language solution that best meets their needs. And cherry on the cake – I love the customer relations side of the business.
Lucile Munch

People who know me know that I like to do things not just well, but differently, and these days, when it’s all about digital and AI is on everyone’s lips, I’m convinced that translation, real translation, honed to support a specific project, to defend a case and to facilitate communication still has a very bright future ahead of it!
As a qualified translator with 15 years’ experience in an agency behind me, my mission now is to help professionals find THE language solution that best meets their needs. And cherry on the cake – I love the customer relations side of the business
Lucile Munch

Ceux qui me connaissent savent que j’aime faire les choses bien et différemment et, à l’heure du tout numérique, et alors que l’IA est sur toutes les lèvres, je suis convaincue que la traduction, la vraie, celle qui soutient un projet, défend un dossier, facilite les échanges a encore de beaux jours devant elle !
Traductrice diplômée, et forte de mon expérience de plus de 15 ans en agence, ma mission est d’accompagner les professionnels à trouver LA solution linguistique la plus adaptée à leur besoin. Et, cerise sur le gâteau, la relation-client, j’adooooore ça !
Lucile Munch
Our Services

Translation or certified translation



Expert proofreading

Subtitling and voiceover
Our Services

Translation or certified translation



Expert proofreading

Subtitling and voiceover

Our Added Value
Whether there are 2 people involved or 200, our interpreters will ensure these meetings run smoothly for all involved, thereby helping to secure every stage of your project.
Our aim is to save you time and effort by being your single point of contact. All of our offers therefore include all the technical recommendations concerning the equipment you need for a successful event.

Our Offer
Our languages

Common European languages (FR, DE, EN, NL, IT, ES, PT)
Asian languages (ZH, JAP, KOR, etc.)
Eastern European languages (CZ, POL, HU, RU, etc.)
Scandinavian languages (SV, NOR, FIN, DA)
Our specialist areas
From websites to user manuals to contracts, we translate every kind of document and material for a wide range of sectors, including:
accountancy, administrative and/or official documents, agri-food, banking, CSR, culture, finance, gastronomy, human resources, industry, insurance, legal, marketing, museums, politics – especially cross-border, quality, social science, technical, tourism, training, welll-being, wine industry and tourism,…