Our services

Our services

Our services cover all forms of translation and interpreting, ranging from certified translation to expert proofreading to subtitling and voiceover. The very first service we offer is a personalised audit, conducted remotely or on your site, so that we can get a precise idea of what you actually need. With one ultimate aim: to provide a truly customised service!

Simple translation

professional human translation

In accordance with the ISO 17100 standard, in 3 key steps:

  • Translation by a native-speaker translator specialised in the subject
  • Revision by a second linguist
  • Quality control before final delivery

Suitable for documents for external communication

Certified translation

by a translator sworn by the Court of Appeal or other court

Certified or sworn translation gives your document legal value in France or abroad.

Suitable for official documents needing to be certified for a public or other authority


neural machine translation

Revised by an expert, native-speaker translator.

Suitable for documents intended for internal distribution only or where the aim is simply to understand or be understood


high added-value translation

Here the aim is to adapt content to a new audience.

Recommended for marketing and advertising copy

Expert proofreading

including French texts

You translate, we proofread for form and content! HR, accountancy, legal, technical and other specialists use their expert knowledge to polish your text and enable you to convince any informed reader.

And whatever the medium, we can deliver with or without the final layout – you decide!

Subtitling and voiceover

custom solutions

With or without lip synching, male or female voiceovers, different accents – again, it’s up to you!

We work with you to identify the different requirements to be taken into account (type of dissemination, target audience, cultural aspects, budget, etc.)


our added value ++

As globalisation gains even more ground, interpreting is thriving. An interpreter can be an invaluable aid in numerous situations:

  • a meeting with a customer or supplier
  • an HR interview, formal or otherwise
  • a company tour
  • a site meeting
  • a seminar
  • a management committee meeting
  • a video-conference
  • etc.

Whether there are 2 people involved or 200, we can be there every step of the way to ensure the meeting goes the way you want it to. Our offer includes an audit of your language and technical requirements, preparation of the event and a workback schedule for each party involved. And our teams will also be glad to provide technical advice on the sound system and equipment needed for the event.

The type of interpretation needed (liaison, simultaneous, whispered or consecutive) will depend on the type of event, where it takes places, how long it lasts and the number of speakers and listeners.

What interpreting can do for you: 

– At meetings and interviews, it will facilitate the discussion, save time, make you look more professional, but above all, it will allow you to get your message across better, because, as we all know, it’s always easier to say exactly what you mean in your own language. Plus, you can forget about being embarrassed by that stereotypical French accent!

– For company tours or management committee meetings: foster a feeling of inclusion, unite stakeholders.

– At seminars or conferences: open up the subject to a wider audience, reach more people. In short, gain an international dimension and ensure more people are talking about you.

All of these services are available in digital or hybrid form.